Utilities Documentation

To experiment with Themeflood Utilities, all help files are linked below. This page contains the Extracontent Stack

  • Extracontent Plus Used on Home page to display "You Never Know What'cha gonna find" in ExtraContent 20 Container (at bottom of the page below the footer)
  • Fileman - Simple PHP File Manager
  • FileTree - This stack uses a relative path to a directory on your web server. It converts the resulting directory / file list into an interactive file tree. Just like a file browser on a computer, visitors to your website are able to drill-down through multiple levels of directories to browse files.
  • Builder Build your own Stack. This for-sale Coffee Project from rapidpages.de uses the Builder Stack
  • DropCMS - Embet Text, Image or PDF to be edited externally.
  • Droplet - A Smart File uploader to quickly upload files to our stacks like Paperless, Embed, RefinedSlider, ProGallery or PlayLister

William C George Mar. 20, 2021

** You Never Know What'cha gonna find